Wednesday 20 August 2014


Welcome to the Person 2 Person Counselling Blog

This is for us.  A collection of personal thoughts and poetry and a tranquil place for reflection.


  1. Mindfulness poem

    Moving Through by Russ Kendall

    There is beauty in the water
    that rages through me
    over stones and boulders,
    to reach the shoreline
    of my quiet mind
    and rest in moments where
    peace and stillness meet
    in the heartfelt space of loving kindness.

    There is wonder in my thinking
    that strikes like lightening
    and sounds like thunder.
    To see the stillness at its centre
    and be the painter of colour
    on a moving canvass,
    soft and flowing
    and be the witness of its passing.

    Flailing feelings from deep within me
    are welcome travellers on my journey.
    The ancient blocks are slowly fading,
    slipping, sliding in the flow of living,
    some times clinging to sand and water.
    Observing I notice everything changing.

  2. Hey Russ
    Thank you for sharing your poem. I've heard it said that writing gives your soul integrity and sharing your soul for the joy of it is the greatest gift. It's a rich poem. I have missed your physical presence but you are never far from my consciousness.
    John x

  3. Lean in towards the love in your heart
    that welcomes you with arms wide open
    and invites you to rest for a while
    in the light of your true nature.

  4. I also like these words which I found in Thailand...
    For those who seek to trust.
    Listen to your thoughts carefully and interpret them generously.
    Share them with others but choose your words wisely so you might be understood.
    Interpret the words and actions of others in good spirit.
    Assess your own needs so you might be kind to others.
    Be strong in purpose and steady yourself before each step.
    Be patient and enjoy the natural passage of time.
    And please be aware of absolutism.
    Strive to celebrate harmony with ease so you might learn to accommodate unrest with courage.
    Be as graceful as you can so your energy might enrich the universe.

  5. Wonderful words, each line a contemplation for life. Thanks for the reminders j.

  6. Maybe this time

    Life is a matter of makeup and masks, pretences and paths that cross where the blind stand and wait to be seen.

    Stones that are thrown are like flightless arrows from the bow held by those who seek revenge for a life to be known.

    Standing and falling are the same, we sleep alone, guided by guilt and blame, hoping that soon the game will give way to rest.

    The struggle is senseless, created and conditioned by fear of loss, worn like an indelible mark to protect the heart.

    The self sits back, relaxed, waiting for the glance, to enter the dance as the mirror, reflecting light from within.
    Maybe this time! Maybe this time!

  7. Words of integrity and strength that bridge the best and the worst in all of us - a verse of self-realisation and forgiveness - self respect is the light within and where there is even a glimmer it is enough to enrich the universe. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Stepping out of Christmas rush to sit quietly, I notice my body lovingly responds. My mind gently comes to rest in the space of timeless peace. In this place there is nothing to do or say and I relax into this beautiful moment. And in this moment I find myself stepping into Christmas. So this is it, how wonderful!

  9. Comfort and joy - when the senses are as one and all - we have much in common - transcending our deepest attachments - like lambs in the meadow with a watchful shepherd or a bird on the wing after a lifetime tethered

  10. Tread the deep

    I go to you my fearless one, the lake of hopes and dreams.
    The water is calm and peaceful, the picture so serene.
    I let go at the waters edge and inch my way to where,
    the water's cold and dark, and spend time with you there.

    Alone I hear my heart beat, in the coolness of the morning.
    The lake holds me like a child as I gently go roaming.
    Trees on the edge of time lean in to hear the stories,
    of those who pass this way searching for the answers.

    I dare to share in the mystery of stillness and of peace.
    The sun on my back, my eyes blind I go into the deep.
    There are no sides to hold onto, no one watching me.
    In the silence I hold my breath and give myself to thee.

    I remember being here before, playing games for hours.
    No sense of time or place, I thought this world would last forever.
    Yet the wise old lake knows, and chooses not to share,
    that ripples on the surface hardly ever make a stir, and those who dare to tread the deep will find the answer there.

  11. Take the time to notice the beauty that lies at the heart of change between one situation and the next. Awareness grows in the space between thoughts where light arises from deep within our being to reveal our shimmering magnificence. Be present to notice the stillness and calm that has the power to transform. At the centre of the movement between one state and the next is the gift of acceptance. Unwrap this gift and dance in the freedom that connects us all in the beautiful flow of life.

  12. Dear Russ
    Why is it that we seem to be mostly blissfully unaware of the extent of our ability to inspire?

  13. Sitting with friends:

    Sitting with friends telling stories of old, lines of life to be told, songs from the heart, lined with love from the start and soulfully healing.

    Music plays,symphonies of the day, shining light between words, and strings of guitars strum their way through bars into friendly listening.

    Hearts are ablaze in the night time haze, as voices sing, to embrace this time when lovers of life gather round to enjoy simplicity of giving.

    And all in a moment, a blink of an eye, to rest in the beauty of life, where the dance flows free, and the sound, the song and the singer are one.
    What joy it is to be in such company.
