Friday 1 January 2016

Take as much time as you like

Take the time to notice the beauty that lies at the heart of change between one situation and the next. 

Awareness grows in the space between thoughts where light arises from deep within our being to reveal our shimmering magnificence. 

Be present to notice the stillness and calm that has the power to transform. 

At the centre of the movement between one state and the next is the gift of acceptance. 

Unwrap this gift and dance in the freedom that connects us all in the beautiful flow of life.


  1. The moment is here

    When will I learn to write the words that come to mind at a moment in time and trust that they convey all I want to say without the need to shape them to fit a rhyme or meet what others might expect of me.

    When will I take the step to move in the direction of my heart desire and know it is right without knowing it is right not plan and scheme rehearse and be seen to do what others might expect of me.

    The sun doesn't wait and ponder who is deserving of light and warmth it doesn't stop to think if it should rest a while or be a certain way to one person and a different way to another. It shines on all.

    The breath doesn't wait for the sign to be kind to nurture and love to flow and caress to give life to every cell it gives freely all it has day and night like the closest of friends who doesn't ask for anything in return.

    The moment is here as it has always been here not even a whisper away the space that is waiting to share the beauty of life and timeless love that shines through the eyes of the viewer and in this space nothing is expected of me.
