Sunday 27 December 2015

Moving Through

There is beauty in the water 
that rages through me 
over stones and boulders,
to reach the shoreline 
of my quiet mind 
and rest in moments where
peace and stillness meet 
in the heartfelt space of loving kindness.

There is wonder in my thinking 
that strikes like lightening 
and sounds like thunder.
To see the stillness at its centre 
and be the painter of colour 
on a moving canvass, 
soft and flowing 
and be the witness of its passing.

Flailing feelings from deep within me 
are welcome travellers on my journey.
The ancient blocks are slowly fading, 
slipping, sliding in the flow of living,
some times clinging to sand and water. 
Observing I notice everything changing.

Russ Kendall

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