Wednesday 30 December 2015

Tread the Deep

Tread the deep

I go to you my fearless one, the lake of hopes and dreams.
The water is calm and peaceful, the picture so serene.
I let go at the waters edge and inch my way to where,
the water's cold and dark, and spend time with you there.

Alone I hear my heart beat, in the coolness of the morning.
The lake holds me like a child as I gently go roaming.
Trees on the edge of time lean in to hear the stories,
of those who pass this way searching for the answers.

I dare to share in the mystery of stillness and of peace.
The sun on my back, my eyes blind I go into the deep.
There are no sides to hold onto, no one watching me.
In the silence I hold my breath and give myself to thee.

I remember being here before, playing games for hours.
No sense of time or place, I thought this world would last forever.
Yet the wise old lake knows, and chooses not to share,
that ripples on the surface hardly ever make a stir, 
and those who dare to tread the deep will find the answer there.

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